Grand Tetons from Signal Mountain
Grand Tetons from Signal Mountain

Our Approach

Why Creative Adventuring?

I named the site Creative Adventuring for two reasons.  We, as individuals need to be creative.  For myself, I always have a camera or sketch book handy.  I capture the experiences of the world around me.  It helps make me who I am.

We also need to have "adventures" to enrich our lives and those around us.  This may be as simple as trying a new coffee house, trying the local diner or brewpub.  Other times, the adventure may involve passports, flights and exotic locales.  The point is to meet new people, try new foods, drinks and go to new places.  It is important to experience new things and share them with the folks around you.

I combine both of my interests as much as I can, especially when I travel.  Make the adventuring creative: take the train instead of flying, hike the trails that aren't on the "must see" lists, go find the hidden gems, eat and drink like a local.  You will find your experiences are richer and more memorable than if you didn't.

Our Story

My Story

I travel for work.  Sometimes I travel A LOT for work but I never really had the travel bug until I was in Seattle for a trade show ten plus years ago.  I had an early morning meeting on Saturday but my flight was a red eye late that night.  One of the other attendees suggested I go to Mt Rainier.  I had never been before.  I went to Target, bought a cheap little digital camera and went to go see the mountain.  It was a beautiful day and Rainier was out!  I had been going to Seattle for years and never got to see it except from the air. I spent the whole day driving around the park: Longmire, Paradise, Nisqually, etc.

It was one of my best days ever!  I had been bitten by the travel bug.  Ever since then, whether traveling for work, solo or with my wife and/or daughter, I make an effort to go to the places that I don't get to see every day.  I will go to see some of the tourist spots (they are popular for a reason) but I also make an effort to try the local restaurants, the local brews, the local spots. etc.  Where do the locals go to eat, drink, hangout, etc.?  I do this whenever I can, even when I am at home.

Mt Rainer

Next Steps...

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